Needlepoint Tramme Kit CLUNY MYTHICAL LADY, UNICORN, LION 25.5 x 27.5

Cluny mythical medieval lady with unicorn and lion. Finished area approximately 25 1/2″ by 27 1/2″ on canvas approximately 35 square. The lady and all animals are finished with the lady’s face and hand in petit point. This kit includes the trammed canvas and only the yarn to complete the trammed area. Yarn for the background is NOT included. The background is the bare and non-trammed area. The canvas is 100% cotton and the included yarn is 100% wool. A tramme needlepoint is a pre-stitched design on double-mesh or Penelope canvas instead of a painted design. The pre-stitching is typically horizontal lines. The customer uses matching color yarn included in the kit to stitch over the pre-stitching. Sometimes fine details such as faces, skin, and flowers are pre-finished in petit point or gros stitch. Kits generally only include sufficient yarn to stitch over the pre-stitch, usually using the half-cross stitch technique to save yarn. Some trammes have the entire design area pre-stitched, and others only have the main features pre-stitched and the customer provides their own yarn (and colors of choice) to stitch the background and unstitched areas.