Cross Stitch 78+ items kits, patterns & leaflets & 9 Jeweled Banner Kits & more

8/13/24 Please Note – the NMI Stitch N’ Hang Elf mini x/s ornament kit is NO LONGER in this lot… Now like 78+ items. 8/13/24 But just added a Bucilla Noel X/S kit NEW, 5 NWOT mini halloween bags, New 1997 Bucilla Jeweled Cat calendar and a preowned 2007 Jeweled cat with flowers calendar all is there it is just opened and repackaged… FREE – added with NO extra charge. NOTE: some are NEW items, some are USED items, some items are X/S chart pages from books/magazines… This is a HUGE LOT of crafts – keep or sell. 7/25 JUST ADDED A VERVACO KIDS KIT – DOG FREE – added no extra charge now 54+ items… Some New and some Preowned but all in nice condition. Cross Stitch kits, Leaflets & patterns (new & used) (D) 40+ items. (also have a lot of leaflets & pages from magazines for sale and lots of other x/s items). Awesome price for all these items… Keep what you want and sell the rest. Lot has a large variety of kits / patterns / leaflets / some completed items / some items with several x/s patterns!! Huge lot of cross stitch kits etc. Last picture is what the one sledding stocking would look like stitched up just for reference -finished stocking not included – just a picture to show what the stocking (kit) in this lot will look like stitched up – very cute! Up for sale is a Huge lot of counted cross stitch kits see pictures as part of description.. Cleaning out my extensive cross stitch stash – also have a listing for many other leaflets and more charts from magazine pages – downsizing…. READ DESCRIPTION AND WHAT’S HERE. 14 New Kits or patterns -see pictures as that is everything you will receive – Great Lot.. 4 opened kits but New- Friends, bunny in garden card, stitch n zip half spec kit, two pups under umbrella. 3 finished cross stitch pieces (a Toddler bib, a bookmark and a card) – can Sell. A bib leaflet (used) -I did the painter bib pattern and it came out Awesome! 2 NEW Infant Bibs to cross stitch (white – 14 count). 7 more Leaflets added: 4 cat/dog, 1 Halloween and 2 Abc’s type are NEW, plus added other single cross stitch charts & many charts that were taken from magazines (pages).. 2 New Cat Kits, one with Red Flower and one Cat in Flower Pot kit.. A HUGE Lot of patterns – Great Lot. JUST ADDED ALL THESE BANNER KITS – SO MANY GREAT CRAFTS…. Birthday, Scarecrow, Snowman, Easter, Cat. Dog -9 Banners / Calendar Craft Kits. Great variety of flags – give you hobbies for a long time – complete flags and hang for the Holidays or event. DO yourself or give as a gift to that Hobby lover in your life… Do with your kids or grandkids- great time spent together! Hang in your room or hang on your door!! 9 (and 1 Freebie) Awesome lot of Jeweled kits to make or give as gifts!! Happy Birthday hang above the cake to make the party festive… Other kits hang in any room to make it festive during the Holiday or Season or hang them on your front door!! Please read all: Pictures are part of description… Happy Birthday added – see second picture… & just added a Freebee: last 2 pictures. See pictures as part of description – these are all the kits you will receive….. Some of these are Hard to Find… Great kits to do yourself or give as gifts.. Up for sale: Jeweled Bazzled Kits.. Six New Sealed Design Works Felt Jeweled Banner kits. One Bucilla Happy Birthday felt jeweled -sealed NEW. Two Calendar kits – older stock (1993 & 2022) – opened but complete kits. List of kits in this lot. Blessing -Pumpkins -Banner NEW. Easter Bunny – Bunny with egg basket – Banner NEW. Merry Christmas – Snowman Family – Banner NEW. Happy Fall – Pumpkin & Crow – Banner NEW – RARE One. Snowballs 4 Sale – Snowman – Banner NEW. Sunflower BeeHive – 2024 Calendar NEW. Two Calendars Opened but all complete. Dalmations – 2022 Calendar – this has rip on top of plastic in back – I taped it – See last 2 pictures – contents new and complete. Bucilla 1993 Calender- Cats in Basket – Opened, old stock – small discoloring on part you would cut off when done.. Also adding for Free: Bucilla Vintage 1997 Jeweled Calendar Rose Heart 11 x 20 New in Package. That makes 10 Kits total! Adorable lot of Banners/Calendars to create beautiful wall hangings.. ALSO JUST ADDED THESE LEAFLETS AND PAGES OF CROSS STITCH CHARTS.. Up for sale is a Huge lot of 17 counted cross stitch leaflets : see pictures as part of description.. Some may have writing in them (notes) – some are vintage. The 3 alphabet books have lots of different alphabets to choose from. There are many, many charts to choose from to stitch. Also have a finished tiger cub cross stitch picture (excellent condition and adorable) listed- check out my other listings. Also have books (I love to read) and several beautiful leather Fossil bags (also love bags) – time to downsize : – thanks for looking! All sales are Final – what you see is what you get.